242 - Characterization Lab 1

Tube Furnace

Quickly heat up and/or cool down samples. Operates with the following specifications: Max temperature of 1100°C, 120 Volts, 6.8 Amps, 0.8kWatts, and 50/60 Hz. Typically used to coat, dry, hardening, or purification of samples

Impedance Gain Phase Analyzer

Perform time domain (DC) and frequency domain (AC) tests.  Accessories control temperature and integrate through software control with the core measurement electronics to study a wide range of materials.  Furthermore, it can be expanded for electrochemical or photoelectrochemical experiments. May contribute to improving engineering productivity and reducing test cost by easy and quick measurement of components and circuits.

Dielectric Interface

Fast, accurate and repeatable impedance measurements over 12 decades of frequency, yielding valuable insights into the characteristics of a wide range of materials, including polymers, ceramics, ion conductors, dielectrics, piezo/ferroelectrics, display materials, etc.

Room Temperature Sample Holder

Designed to allow accurate impedance tests of solid materials to be performed at room temperature. The sample holder consists of two parallel electrodes, one of which is fixed in position and the other which can be moved into contact with the sample by adjustment of a micrometer. This measurement will determine the opposition or resistance to alternative current (AC) to have a better understanding of the material’s current flow

Navigator Turbo Pump

Used as an attachment for the Varian Vacuum Pump. Pump any type of gas or gas compound to create a vacuum. Common applications involve electron microscopy, thin film deposition, device processing, and surface analysis, among others.