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Manufacturing of advanced materials such as composites and nanomaterials often involves multiple constituent materials and complex processing steps. Raw materials impurities and processing parameters variations can result in inconsistent quality.

Page for Sensing and Actuation

Page for  Quality and Manufacturing Engineering for Advanced Composites Materials

HPMI is developing and improving affordable manufacturing processes that provide rapid, custom-made composite fabrication capabilities.

Page for Advanced Manufacturing and Out-of-Autoclave Processing for Composites and Nanocomposites

The use of fuel cells and supercapacitors is expected to grow exponentially over the next few years. New energy generation and storage devices must be made more efficient.

HPMI is exploring emerging processing techniques for composites and nanomaterials, such as developing and testing supercritical fluids (SCF) assisted process. SCF can be a cost effective tool for micro-/nano-structures control during materials processing.